It is easy to be absorbed by daily earth plane life and devote little time to the one thing that matters - your soul. Activities like work, household chores, playing the role of mother/father/brother/sister/friend can often leave you feeling consumed and disillusioned, so much so that you walk through daily life unconscious to the miracles that surround you.
Today, I devoted thirty minutes of time to my physical needs and ran on a treadmill at my local gym. As I moved through each metre and kilometre; I focused on breathing, a collective of cockatoos collaborating on a sporting field in the distance, the gum trees in the foreground of the view and Bob Marley playing on my iPod!
I felt that this form of moving meditation allowed me to simply be in the moment, because when you're running there's no other place to be. Lose yourself for just a minute and your gait or breath falls out of synch with the flow and you end up feeling breathless. Life is a moving meditation. "In prayer you communicate with God, in meditation God communicates with you."
Om Namah Shivaya!
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