"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Light bulb moment: YouTube + a desire to learn = a video of Carl Rogers in his famous "Gloria" video!



The Infoxchange Australia team is very excited to launch InfoxchangeTV today. 

InfoxchangeTV is a niche video sharing service that is targeted at the Australian community sector.

The video news and information channel has been established to allow people in the community to tell their stories and showcase their projects using a multimedia format. This assists in archiving ongoing projects, raising awareness about prevalent community issues and will have the capability to influence the broader national policies and practices from the community level.

Our vision is for InfoxchangeTV to be an insightful resource to share community news, events and information. A video repository that reflects the sectors work and represents all facets of the community, health and welfare sectors, regardless of project size or focus. Whether it be a grassroots, national or international project, if it impacts on the community, we’d be interested in its inclusion.

To provide an equal representation of content across the sector and to foster social and digital inclusion, Infoxchange encourages community groups and community service organisations to contribute video content or comments and feedback to the InfoxchangeTV Channel.

We are calling on all community organisations, not-for-profits, council representatives and individuals to contribute and share their videos and multimedia.

Infoxchange has over 75,000 subscribers who each week receive the newsletter Infocast, so this is a great opportunity to raise your project or organisation's profile and share the work you do and human interest stories.

If you have an informative and compelling video about your organisation and the work that you do, or your own, client or community group stories in video format, please email info@infoxchange.tv complete with the link to your video and any comments you may have.

Alternatively, we can upload this for you if you would like to send it to us. Please visit www.infoxchange.net.au for our postal address.

The new website launches today. You can check it out at www.infoxchange.tv

Embark upon an exciting journey!

The journey of life is exciting when you challenge your own weaknesses. Some times your enemy teaches you better than your friend.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A word is wisdom from HH The Dalai Lama

We can't be useful to ourselves unless we're useful to others. Whether we like it or not, we're all connected, and it is unthinkable to be happy all by oneself. Anyone concerned only by his own well-being will suffer eventually. Anyone concerned with the well-being of others takes care of himself without even thinking about it. Even if we decide to remain selfish, let us be intelligently selfish - let us help others.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stress Down Day - Friday 23 July 2010

Friday 23 July, 2010 is Lifeline Australia’s Stress Down Day. This day is dedicated to reducing the burden of stress on our community, and will encourage people in schools and workplaces to have fun with their fellows, friends or family to reduce stress levels, have fun and raise funds for Lifeline.  The money will go towards helping run our 24 hour telephone support services, a service that is literally life saving for thousands of Australian’s every year.

You simply get sponsored to wear your slippers to work or school, dress up or dress down and have a bit of fun to show that you support Lifeline and its life saving work.  Or alternatively, other ways to show support could be:
  • Purchasing Exclusive Stress Down Day Slippers
  • Developing your own event (where slippers or a change in clothes are impractical/against OH&S)
The campaign will also provide participants and organisations with useful tools to manage stress in our everyday lives. For more information visit www.stressdown.org.au


A powerful, yet often misunderstood, aim of spiritual study is purity. Purity of the soul means to return to its original divine qualities. The soul has become so polluted with less than divine qualities, it can hardly enjoy being alive. Purifying the soul puts the higher self back in charge - useless and negative thoughts are removed and annoying habits finish. A pure soul cannot be touched by sorrow; indeed the power of purity is such, it serves to remove the sorrow of the whole world. Purity restores happiness - even bliss. All you need to do, in order to re-establish your purity, is want it. But you need to want it intensely, to the exclusion of everything else. The one thought, "I must become completely pure". sparks a fire of love between you and Source. This fire melts away all the pollution, and your purity becomes such a power that it frees you from all battles for ever.