"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Inaugural youth mental health conference with Prof Patrick McGorry

Professor Patrick McGorry is to convene the First International Youth Mental Health conference, which will be held in Melbourne on 29–30 July 2010. This important event will bring together health practitioners, researchers, youth sector professionals and young people and their families, and will ‘showcase the best of youth mental health from around the globe’. 

In addition to Prof. McGorry, keynote speakers include Professor Max Birchwood, Clinical Director, YouthSpace; Dr Christine Bennett, Chief Medical Officer, BUPA Australia; Mr Richard Eckersley, Founding Director, Australia 21; and Professor Bob Illback, Director of Planning & Evaluation, Headstrong. 

Key streams will be youth health and mental health; education and vocational issues; health promotion; drug and alcohol issues; and service reform. It is hoped that this will be the first of many similar conferences. 

For conference details, more about the keynote speakers and to register your interest and be notified when registration is open, go to: http://www.iymhconference.com.au/ 

(Source: Yikes!, newsletter of the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, v.8, n.2, 2010.)

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