"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mercury in retrograde... say no more!

Mercury retrograde certainly manifest in a strong form over last few days.  Sunday and Monday found me cooped up in bed with a throat like golfballs (although I don't have tonsils), very sore ears and swollen glands.  Fortunately I don't have glandular fever; but this leads me to wonder what personal truth am I holding back?

The week leading up to this bout of ill health was a typically normal week: work, gym, taking my son to child care, spending time with relatives and seeing friends.  Maybe my rigorous gym routine of late has left my inner health depleted?  Perhaps the acupuncture session I had last week brought someting to the surface? Or maybe there was some interaction during the week that was so subtle that I cannot pinpoint in waking life?  Or is this just a coincidence that requires a simple acceptance of what is rather than searching for a spiritual meaning to ill health?

"Acceptance gives me the experience of being like an angel: never judging, never criticising and never worrying" thoughtfortoday.co.uk

Om Namah Shivaya!

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