"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Astrological Forecast for Sunday 14 February 2010

TAURUS: (Rising Sign)
Just as Neptune and Chiron come together again in your career sector, reforming an alignment they temporarily put on hold, a New Moon falls here today. With Venus gone and the period of establishing what you're aiming for behind you, this is a day for drawing a line in the sand and letting the next phase begin, that of turning desires and dreams into reality. It’s time to start walking the talk, making this the first day of the next phase.

VIRGO: (Ascendant & North Node)
Any self doubts that may have plagued you just 24 hours ago are gone and old beliefs that may have held you back in the past have been challenged and prevailed over. It’s today that the Sun and Moon come together to form a New Moon in your work sector, on the very day that Neptune and Chiron come together again, resuming their alignment here. The heavens are coming together in support, making this the first day of the rest of your journey.

SCORPIO: (Moon Sign)
Just a day after an opposition between Mercury and Mars forced you to come up with an achievable work/life balance, ensuring that you’re able to achieve what you want on both the professional and home fronts, you have a chance today to commit to that. It’s a New Moon in your home, family and property sector that gives you an opportunity to draw a line in the sand and turn a fresh leaf. This is a day for new beginnings and a fresh start.

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