"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Big Swap

From the Fair Trade Australia website http://www.fta.org.au/thebigswap

Make The Big Swap and help make the world a better place.

Let’s get as many people as we can to swap as much as we can. Get active, challenge your friends and swap your usual stuff – your coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate – even your cotton tee shirt – to Fairtrade stuff.

The more we swap the bigger the impact we make on the lives of small-scale producers in developing countries. With 2bn people living on less than $2 a day - swapping your usual stuff for Fairtrade stuff helps create a better life for the coffee and cocoa growers, tea pluckers, cotton pickers and banana growers and their families. As well as a guaranteed minimum price, the extra Fairtrade Premium empowers growers to invest in the future for their communities and help themselves out of poverty. So get swapping!

What can I swap?

Fair Trade products are really taking off. It’s no longer just coffee on the shelves. There’s lot’s to choose from.

Refresh yourself with a Fairtrade hot drink and savour the thought that you’re helping to revitalise the local economy for the coffee growers, cocoa farmers and tea pluckers. Thanks to the Fairtrade premium they can send their kids to school or attend a new local clinic instead of having to walk for half a day for medical help. 

Look for the ever growing range of Fairtrade labelled products in your local supermarket or why not check out the great fair trade ranges from outlets such as Oxfam shops in Australia and Trade Aid stores in New Zealand. And even if your favourite shop doesn't stock Fairtrade, why not take one our 'Swap in Your Shop' postcards and ask them to consider swapping to selling some Fairtrade?

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