"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Latest GetUp! Campaign: Women Speak Out

Women are being shamefully overlooked in this election by politicians and the media. The turn of female voters away from Tony Abbott is being dismissed as a turn towards Julia Gillard's gender, while Tony Abbott's archaic and indefensible views on issues affecting women go unexamined and unchallenged.

That all ends today. Watch our new video from GetUp women, putting Tony's words on the record for all Australians to see: http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/WomenSpeakOut

Politicians from all sides are mistakenly assuming that women will simply vote along gender lines. It's beyond condescending, but it also misses the point: political leadership is about so much more. It's about where you stand, who you respect, and what you'll do from a position of power.

It's time to get to the truth. Women and men alike will be shocked by the quotes in this video, each and every line expressed by Tony Abbott himself. See for yourself now, and help put the message on air: http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/WomenSpeakOut

This video features GetUp members--women who have dared to speak Mr Abbott's own words back to him for all Australians to see. They're words that many Australians will find deeply disturbing. Even if you think you've seen and heard it all from Mr Abbott: his absolute opposition to abortion, his daring to weigh in on something as personal as a woman's virginity, his opposition to the cervical cancer vaccine, you have to watch this ad - now. Then chip in to ensure every other Australian gets to see it too: http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/WomenSpeakOut

Throughout his political career, Tony Abbott has advocated views more appropriate to 1910 than 2010. Now, as he asks voters to make him the next Prime Minister of our country, we need him to bring his views into the 21st century.

As Mr Abbott reaches a leading position in the polls, we need to know where he stands. Is climate change still "absolute crap"? Is abortion still just a question of a woman's "convenience"? Is it still "folly" to expect women to ever approach equal representation in all areas of public life? Click here to watch the ad, and get the real questions heard and answered this election.

Thank you for changing this election,
The GetUp Team

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