"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Friday, June 25, 2010


There is a massive amount of spiritual change going on in my Self right now... it's amazing! An insight I want to share is this (and my tummy rumbles as I write this).

If we, as individuals (at the micro level), are doing a lot of spiritual work at the group (meso level), and the planetary climate signifies... collective conscious change, then the societal level needs to shift in order for the change to happy (at the macro level).

Thus, Gillard's upward rise to the positiion of PM is almost akin to Phoenix physically manifesting (Gillard's red hair signifying the notion of Phoenix) to facilitate the macro level change.

Big statements that I'm expressing here... but, it's what I feel so I may as well communicate it in a safe environment where I will be supported rather than judged.

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